Química de los Pavimentos

Solutions for asphalt and derivatives

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Our chemistry contains the pillars that support asphalt pavements

Química de los Pavimentos is the leading manufacturer in Spain of chemical products used in the construction of bituminous pavements, both cold and hot. We have at your disposal a complete range of products of our own design and a technical team with extensive experience in bituminous binders and their applications, both at the design, laboratory or on-site execution level.


Química de los Pavimentos ofrece al mercado una gama de emulsionantes para fabricar emulsiones catiónicas, de rotura rápida, media o lenta.


RAP rejuvenators are specific additives, which consist of an aggregate of special chemical agents whose function is to provide the lost components to the aged bitumen.


Additives are used to modify the characteristics of a bituminous emulsion or to improve its applications. ADDIBITs are designed to control the breakage of grouts and microagglomerates when cold.


Química de los Pavimentos offers a range of adhesiveness activators to the market, mainly based on organic polymers that improve both active and passive adhesiveness.


Existen diferentes soluciones para poder obtener pavimentaciones coloreadas en función del tipo de tráfico y del fin por el cual estas se diseñan (zonas peatonales, con tráfico de vehículos, zonas de seguridad, áreas de acceso limitado, etc).


Cuando bituminosos convencionales no tienen propiedades adecuadas para cumplir con los requisitos deseados. En este caso puede ayudar la incorporación de ciertos aditivos que modifican las propiedades reológicas de los betunes.


The fibers avoid problems of segregation of the components during the production, transport and spreading of asphalt mixtures and also reduce the effect of bitumen runoff in mixtures rich in binder.


The road construction sector requires a continuous evolution of work systems to adapt them to the needs of increasingly higher benefits.